Coventry Cathedral
24 May - 30 June 2017

Exhibition Opening 24th May 2017

Above right from left to right: Rev. Dr. Sarah Hills (Canon of Ministry of Reconciliation, Coventry Cathedral; John Blundell (Deputy Lord Mayor of Coventry); Tom Kelly (Bogside Artist); Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin (curator).

Panel Discussion
St. Michael's House, 30 June 2017

Above from left to right: Rev. G. Withers (RAF Chaplain); Rosie Brown (artist); Terry Duffy (artist); Dr. Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin (exhibition curator); Rev. Canon Dr. Sarah Hills (Canon for Reconciliation, Coventry Cathedral); Tom Kelly (Bogside Artist), Richard Harvey (lawyer on Bloody Sunday Inquiry), Charles Walker Hazzard (artist), John Yeadon (artist).

On the right: Bloody Sunday Inquiry lawyer Richard Harvey reciting the poem 'Yes, Jim' that he wrote for the family of Bloody Sunday victim James Wray. For the poem click here