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Additional events
5 February 3-5 pm: Seminar Looking Back and Looking Forward: Memory and Hope in Art Born of Conflict, hosted by the Department of Theology and Religious Studies with Prof. Ben Quash, Dr. Scott Nethersole, Revd Dr Sam Wells, The Revd Dr Jamie Hawkey and curator Dr. Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin.
5 February 6.30 pm, Documentary The Bogside Story by Italian film producers Rocco Forte and Pietro Laino

King's College London
The Exchange, Bush House
28 January - 13 February 2020
Hosted by the Department of War Studies and the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Kings College London.


On the right and below: Tom Kelly (one of the Bogside Artists) talking about the murals during seminar hosted by the Department of War Studies, with Prof. Rachel Kerr and Dr. Craig Larkin on. 29 January.

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